Winter Blues: a poem
Jumbled mess of bubbles on my skin
Going through twelve years
of the past in two days
placing too many memories
in three ring binders
brings a desire to throw
the trauma in the trash
Fuzzy chin on thigh
Losing my mind
in the stories made up
by another on the screen
Stomach churning over
cheese balls and coffee
I am alone for another weekend
Crossing too many things
off my to do list
If they are all done
what is the point
of being alive
Look out the window
watch the early setting
of sun over snow not melting
Night drags on too long
Can’t close my eyes soon
enough but sleep
doesn’t come
ears hear ringing
that isn’t there
Lay in bed newly made
everything laid out
for the next day
hole in curtain on the wall
but there’s nothing to see
folks just the end
of another long
lonely brain scrunching
wish my mind was better
Tansy Julie Soaring Eagle Paschold