What is Prayer? A poem
— For Grace Community
The interception of a
message or action
to communicate our intentions;
an intersection of
the earthly and divine;
prayer requests turn into
the speaker owning their
desires, whether they be
worldy, for another, or for ourselves.
We escape and become
mindful, we leave this world
and enter the state of another.
If God’s name is YHWH
which is the sound of a breath,
then prayer can be
just our taking in and
blowing out air, intentionally.
If God is the space between
us, the space between our atoms,
then we are praying to
the essence of the spirit
of everything connected,
Pleas to ancestors can take
us to where we felt them
with us the most
and if prayer can be more
than just talking or thinking,
our prayers can be in our
doing, gardening in the same
place with the same plants
as a family member,
baking a loved one’s recipe,
creating art and music
as a way of connecting
and communicating.
Can we not listen in prayer —
to music, to silence, to nature,
to each other’s pleas
and gratitudes?
Prayer is not religion,
does not need to be taught
or spoken a certain way;
prayer is a meeting and
a doing and a listening
and a being and a way
of connecting and
communicating with the
spirit that resides
in each of us.