Let The Good Times Roll: a poem
let the good times roll
roll off your tongue
down the orange red purple
stained wood flavored popsicle stick
dripping down your chin
onto the cracked sidewalk below
standing on the steps of the
catholic church in the small town
where he used to ride his bike
so quickly bumping all the way down
down the gravel road beside the pig shed
where you learned to ride your own
sky blue cloud covered banana seat bike
your legs splayed out sideways
in an upside down “v”
so scared of the wind in your hair
the wind that keeps on blowing change into your life
changes that leave you
breathless and wide eyed and wondering
what’s around the next bend
leave you forgetting to snap pictures of the moments
but at least there’s no camera to leave behind
always a phone ready
no roll of film to forget
so roll on with it
roll on life
yes let’s
let’s go
let the good times roll
Tansy Julie Soaring Eagle Paschold